John O. Gregory Education & Qualifications: I believe that the job of Trustee is to prepare all students, those bound for college and those going straight to work, for the 21st century. Thus, courses that help students in math, science, and technology should be emphasized for all students. And to make sure that students achieve their goals teachers and administrators should be recruited who are the most qualified for the job. No teacher can teach nor student learn in an atmosphere that is not safe or congenial to learning. Zero tolerance to violence, drugs, to weapons, and to any form of abuse is essential. Parents must know what the schools are doing in educating their children; more and better communication is also essential. Students who do not speak English as a first language must receive instruction that speeds their full use of English. All students should be able to speak a second language; this goal will be difficult to reach. The coming century will require more classrooms at each of our schools to accommodate more students and reduced class sizes. Finally, as the requirements for work become more complex, course requirements and time in school must be altered and/or increased. /s/ John O. Gregory