Maricopa County, AZ November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter


By Tom Smith

Candidate for State Senator; District 26

This information is provided by the candidate
Top 3 priorities
1. Arizona has recently passed a bill which is a step forward in equalizing the funding for the building of schools in the state. This bill also reduce a district's authority to bond for capital but will allow the districts to request capital override authority. More important than the building is the quality of the education that goes in the classroom.

2. The school principal must be held accountable for the leadership, management and operation of the school. Students must master the basic skills of reading and comprehension, basic math, and the ability to communicate both in writing and verbally by the time they enter the fourth grade.

3. School administrators and teachers must be qualified to provide the leadership and skills needed to help each child learn to their maximum ability.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 28, 1998 18:31
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