Orange County, CA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Local ground water development

By Mike Healey

Candidate for Director; Mesa Consolidated Water District; Division 5

This information is provided by the candidate
Colored water treatment makes economic sense and reduces dependence on imported water supply.
Mesa Consolidated Water District, (MESA) has for years been pumping, treating and distributing water to its customers from the Orange County Groundwater Basin. Seventy five percent (75%) of the Districts water is pumped from local wells. This places MESA in a position less dependent on the more expensive and lessor quality imported water. The remaining 25% is purchased from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California via two wholesale agencies. Imported water is transported through aqueducts from the Colorado River and Northern California.

In addition to pumping clear water, MESA is embarking upon an eight million dollar project to construct a colored water treatment facility. Due to be completed in 1999, colored water will be pumped from deep aquifers and treated before entering the distribution system. Colored water is treated with ozone and biofiltration to eliminate the color and odor. Colored water is a high quality resource and meets all state and federal standards. The color is like tea and is believed to have been caused by ancient redwood forests and peat. Mesa has been successfully treating and blending colored water for the past 14 years.

MESA will be able to pump, treat and deliver colored water to its customers at price less then the cost of imported water. We will also be able to pump more then the currently limited 75% or our needs, reducing our dependence on imported water.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 1, 1998 18:50
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