- Measure A
Utility Users Tax
-- County of Alameda
- Shall an ordinance be approved to extend until 6/30/2009 the
existing 5.5% Utility Users Tax, collected only in the unincorporated
areas (e.g. Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherryland, Fairview, San Lorenzo,
Sunol), which funds County services, including services to unincorporated
areas (e.g. Sheriff, Library, Planning and Code enforcement), and to amend
the tax to include additional telecommunications services? The tax DOES
NOT APPLY in Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Dublin, Emeryville, Fremont,
Hayward, Livermore, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, Pleasanton, San Leandro, or
Union City.
- Measure B
-- County of Alameda
- "Shall Alameda County voters authorize implementing the Alameda
County 20 year Transportation Expenditure Plan including:
- Expand BART in Alameda County
- Expand Altamont Commuter Express service
- Expand Countywide Express, Local and Feeder Bus service
- I-880/I-580/I-680/I-238/Route 84/Route 92 Improvements
- Extend special transit services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- Improve pedestrian/bike safety
Approval of this Measure authorizes continuing the 1/2 cent transportation
sales tax during the Plan's implementation. A Citizens Watchdog Committee
shall audit all expenditures."
- Measure C
Urban Growth Boundary
-- County of Alameda
- Shall a measure that, among other things, affirms the County's
urban growth boundary and separates rural lands from lands suitable for
urban uses, establishes an advisory commission to develop a plan to
enhance agriculture and open space, affirms County open space funding
policies, continues cooperative planning efforts, requires a county-wide
vote to change these policies except for certain city-adopted urban growth
boundary changes, and provides an alternative to Measure C be adopted?
- Measure D
Urban Growth Boundary
-- County of Alameda
- Shall an ordinance amending the Alameda County General Plan to,
among other things, revise the urban growth boundary in the East County to
reserve less land for urban growth and more land for agriculture and open
space, apply similar policies to rural Castro Valley, require new housing
to be located primarily within existing cities, modify land use
restrictions applicable to rural areas, and require a County-wide vote on
changes to these policies, be adopted?
- Measure E
-- Peralta Community College
(Bond Measure E)
- Shall the Peralta Community College District, which includes the
College of Alameda in Alameda, Laney and Merritt Colleges in Oakland, and
Vista College in Berkeley, issue $153.2 million in bonds at interest rates
within the legal limit to repair, renovate and construct classrooms,
vocational training facilities, science labs and high-tech computer labs;
meet current health, safety and accessibility standards; replace
inadequate electrical, ventilation, gas, water and sewer systems and
construct and acquire other facilities?
- Measure O
Library Bonds
-- City of Alameda
(Bond Measure O)
- In order to improve library facilities, shall the City of
Alameda issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $10,600,000, subject
to matching funds being obtained to fund at least 60% of the construction
costs, to acquire, construct and/or improve the main library, the West End
and Bay Farm branch libraries, including providing adequate space for
children, improving disabled accessibility, and providing access to