This information is provided by the candidate
Mike Ott (Lemon Grove School District Trustee)
Janne La Valle (Lemon Grove School District Trustee)
George Gastil (Lemon Grove School District Trustee)
Ilse Hanning (Former Lemon Grove School District Trustee)
Carol Chubb (Former Lemon Grove School District Trustee)
Lemon Grove Teacher's Association
Mary Sessom (Lemon Grove Mayor)
Tom Clabby (Lemon Grove City Council)
Jill Greer (Lemon Grove City Council)
Bob Burns (Former Mayor and City Council of Lemon Grove)
Robert Alirez (Lemon Planning Commissioner)
Dwight Shelley (Former Lemon Grove City Council)
Denise Crano (Lemon Grove PTA Council President)
Russ Sperling (Instrumental Music Director-Helix Charter High School)
Penny Halgren (La Mesa Spring Valley School District Trustee)
Netty Satterlee (Lemon Grove PTA Council Auditor)
Johnny Margolin (Tyler's Taste of Texas)
Donna Clabby
Adolph Helgeson
Ken Kunkel
Dale Chamberlain
Bob Neely
Becky Neely
Katie Dexter
Cathy (Stormy) Froelicher
Rosemary Putnam
Bruce Bode
Cheri Bode
Bill Beard
Helen Ofield
(Partial List)