I have lived in Monica Santa for forty years. I served as a volunteer in the effort to pass Santa Monica's first Rent Control Law and I have continued to work as a volunteer in every election, since that historic victory in 1979, to elect candidates committed to the interests of Santa Monica residents.
It has been a privilege to have served on our Rent Control Board these past four years. During those years I have strived to carry out my responsibilities fairly and wisely with concern for both tenants and landlords. State laws have dealt serious challenges to our local law. The Board has lobbied state lawmankers to consider the needs of tenants and we are pleased State Sentator Sheila Kuehl has led in securing passage of two bills recently signed by the Governor which will increase tenant protections. At the Board's request,our City Council voted to place Measure FF before the voters, a tenant protection amendment to our City Charter...I urge you to vote for measure FF.
I cannot support Measure II, a landlord promoted initiative.