- Occupation: Educator
- County Council Member, Green Party
- Central Coast alternate representative to the State Green Party
Top Priorities if Elected |
- To build the Green Party through local outreach
- To involve the membership in more local projects
- To work with the state Green Party and global justice movement
- My mom and dad, my partner and children
- No others -- Greens don't really get them!
- The Meanings of Green: Grassroots Democracy
This is a short essay on the first of the Greens' Ten Key Values that I wrote a while back for the local Green Scene newsletter
- The Meanings of Green: Social Justice
This is a meditation on another of the Greens' Ten Key Values, the one that is dearest to my heart.
- "The U.S.-made World Crisis and the Greens"
This is work in progress analyzing the current crisis in a way that tries to draw out some of its implications for the Green Party.