I will work to create an economy within the city where Pomona residents can end their commutes and spend their valuable tax dollars within the city limits of Pomona, not in the coffers of other cities.
Pomona for too long has played step-cousin to its surrounding cities. This must change and will change when I become Mayor. We will make Pomona a business friendly city again. We will immediately set-up District Business Associations to assist in bringing business and jobs to Pomona. We will searchout companies looking to expand and those that are growing. We will visit their sites, find out their needs and invite them to Pomona so we can show them what we have to offer. For too long Pomona has allowed building to be vacant, vacant land to remain vacant and businesses to go to other cities. We will leave no stone unturned to find new business opportunities. Proactive leadership, creativity and teamwork will bring liveable wage jobs to Pomona.