The business of the city is business. We must have the additonal revenues from sales taxes to contiue services.
During my term we have redeveloped the downtown area. This was necessary to assure the public that the town will continue to support our core business'. The new look of downtown is the envy of all south county and has already encouraged some new business' and the spruceing up of the other storefronts. This creates an atmosphere of a bustling community. New activities are being carried out and more are planned now that we have a beautiful city center.
We have built a business park, to the west of our town, that has attracted much interest by business' hoping to move south as the congestion to the north increases. An environmentaly friendly, agricultural related business, that will employ over 200 local workers has already located there. I will continue to promote Gonzales as a business friendly community in order to attract the right mix of retail and manufacturing business'. The experience I have gained in the last four years will be invaluable as new enterprises seek a receptive area in which to succeed. City services have been increased during my term without undue increases in any fees. The recent contract for disposal services was created and endorsed by me in my position as alternate vice president of the Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority. My own business is located in Gonzales as well as my family and my home.