High winter infiltration of some 15 million gallons per day occur and must be minimized
.This is a large project and since we do have camera crews I would fully utilize them in photographing and smoke testing the lines. I would expect an evaluation and quantification of each leak found and based on this information a plan of action be prepared to eliminate t he problem.
Since the Santa Venetia area has generally had the most problems we should concentrate our efforts in t hat area first. The extra load on the pumping stations is a good indicator as to what areas have the most infiltration. After locating the areas we can then proceed to use our cameras in the winter about two days after heavy rains. This method will lead to the exact location of main and lateral leaks. As summer approaches we start using our smoke testing procedures to further locate exact lateral and main leaks. Once located and quantified by pump station loading we can now program repairs. But before work begins must do a cost study and estimate t he cost by area. Based on these costs we can now evaluate how to allocate costs between the District and the customer.
. It could be such that the District could bare the full cost.