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San Diego County, CA November 7, 2006 Election
Smart Voter

School Safety

By Bob Duff

Candidate for Board Member; La Mesa-Spring Valley School District; Full Term

This information is provided by the candidate
Presence, education, and most importantly--trust, are necessary to produce a safe environment. Good adult/student relationships create trust and facilitate justice.
Bob supports the district Core Values with emphasis on nurturing a safe environment and encouraging enrollment in the extended services.

Without question, School Safety is at the heart of all. If the environment is not a safe one then learning cannot take place. Presently several middle schools have police or probation officers on campus to present a front and to assist in the recognition of threatening areas. This action does work.

Bob feels that safety is an issue that can also be one of education, wherein trust encourages a student-teacher or student-administrator relationship. Where students are assured of their anonymity, additional eyes, and ears are made available to perform safety inspection of others by their peers. Trust is essential. School is a home-away-from home for students and they will, if encouraged, protect it. They must be assured that the trust will not be compromised and that is a task for teachers and administrators.

Words victimize many. The terms used in reference to another's religion, race, sex or sexual preference should not be tolerated, particularly in an educational venue. Discussion of bias is not and should not be curricular. All too often students and staff are caught up in the "fun" of slander of character through the use of words. Even the smallest form cannot be ignored as it is offensive and needs to be treated as such.

Threats at school or in transit need to be taken seriously. Swift action must be taken when adults receive information about a threat or possible threat otherwise education cannot take place.

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