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San Diego County, CA November 7, 2006 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Bob Duff

Candidate for
Board Member; La Mesa-Spring Valley School District; Full Term

This information is provided by the candidate


Bob believes the experience he has gained the past two years as a Governing Board member is an important asset, helping him effectively deal with the business of education. Additionally the gut level understanding gained from a lifetime of being an educator helps Bob empathize with the challenges teachers, support staff, and administration face every day as they work together to impart knowledge to children.

Because we are facing declining enrollment, our schools will face budget constraints. Staff will be stressed by subsequent funding cuts. Nevertheless, Bob will be following closely the requirements as set forth by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and will strive to find ways to more than meet the goals.

Proactive on safety, Bob has often visited every school seeking input and asking questions. Be it a pothole or a bully, Bob follows up with solutions. He is especially supportive of the "Peace Builders Program" as it has improved personal safety by positively reinforcing good behavior.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 20, 2006 10:07
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