Vince wants to return the quality of life to Menlo Park with a coherent, comprehensive, and realistic plan as outlined below. For more information, see his website:
- Eliminate the deficit with a balanced budget that includes higher revenues from sales taxes. Other taxes should be a last resort, not the first option, and we should never ask for an excessive amount.
- Move forward with the right kind of development on our city's main thoroughfare, El Camino Real. We have an unprecedented opportunity to revitalize El Camino. However, spot rezoning give-aways and the wrong kind of development are hurting the city and slowing down the revitalization of El Camino. In order for the city to benefit from the traffic flow along El Camino, we need an attractive shopping district with plenty of underground parking. Keplers and Cafe Borrone are the model, not ultra high density housing that crowds out retail.
- Ensure pedestrian and bicycle safety throughout the city by implementing the plans that already exist. This must be a top priority for El Camino, Santa Cruz, and other streets.
- Enhance usability of existing open space and negotiate for additional open space whenever the opportunity arises. Our recreational facilities and playing fields need immediate attention.
- Take action on the serious problem of unfunded liabilities for our employees' pensions. Our city's financial viability is in danger, and our employees will suffer the most if the city becomes insolvent.
- Create a residential zoning ordinance that is consistent and clear. Most people who buy property in Menlo Park choose to do so because of the nature of the community. We want to preserve the unique character of the city while supporting progress and promoting general prosperity.