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Alameda County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter Additional Endorsements for Sharlene Saria-Mansfield

Candidate for
Council Member; City of Newark

This information is provided by the candidate

Organizational Endorsements
Democratic Party of Alameda County (Sole Endorsement)
Tri-City Democratic Forum (Sole Endorsement)
Central Labor Council of Alameda County (Sole Endorsement)
National Organization for Women "NOW"

Regional Endorsements
Jennifer Toy Harrison, Union Sanitary District Board Member
Trisha Tahmasbi, Ohlone College Trustee
Jim Navarro, Vice Mayor, Union City
Richard Valle, Council Member, Union City
Bob Wieckowski, Vice Mayor, Fremont
Bill Harrison, Vice Mayor, Fremont
Anu Natarajan, Council Member, Fremont

Local Endorsements
Alberto Torrico, State Assemblymember
Ray Rodriguez, President, Newark School Board

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The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any candidate or political party.
Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 29, 2007 22:33
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