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Alameda County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter

Public Safety Must be a TOP Priority

By Sharlene Saria-Mansfield

Candidate for Council Member; City of Newark

This information is provided by the candidate
I understand that the City Council has re-negotiated the contract with our firefighters. I am glad that the council did NOT stick to its "so-called" last, best and final offer of several weeks ago. I want to congratulate everyone for reaching an agreement.

We still have challenges ahead of us. It is my understanding that over the past couple of years we have lost about 20% of our most experienced firefighters and a larger percentage of our police officers, to other cities that offer better working conditions.

This puts all of our families at risk.

That's why Public Safety is so important to me.

I will work hard to ensure we have the revenue to keep our most experienced police officers and fire fighters. I will also make sure that future negotiations are less confrontational and much more collaborative.

Again, Public Safety must be a priority. In order to keep our best, we must treat them like the best.

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