In very general terms, I am Catholic and 'personally' lean in the 'pro-life' direction; however, 'politically' I stand behind Roe v Wade and fundamentally believe in a woman's right to control her own body.
I have spoken in public about my stance several times in March, April and May 2008 -- and have even had personal conversations with all three of my opponents on where I stand. I am Catholic and personally think that spiritually we are better off as individuals (and as a society on the whole) when 'life' and the potential for life are cherished as prevailing and paramount norms. In a perfect world, comprehensive sex education would exist in schools and the home; and adults would preemptively and roactively take responsibility for their actions; and in such a world, in the few cases of unwanted pregnancies, 'society' (both public and private) would provide a nuturing support system so that very few would women would ever have to go through an abortion. ... But back in the real world, I think that the fundamental issue concerning abortion issue (as seen from the standpoint of Supreme Court case law) is a really moral, ethical and religious one and no longer a 'legal' one. I think that everyone has the right to decide for themselves (again, within the parameters of Roe vs Wade) how they choose to live their lives; and since abortion is legal, then along with that 'right' goes the right to have access to an abortion. Only in very very very extreme situations should government be allowed to demonstrate a greater societal objective/interest which could restrict a woman's unfettered right to an abortion. One example could be a situation where a young girl (let's say 13 years old) becomes pregnant, I think that government has a legitimate interest in allowing her parents to be involved in the process, which does not mean however that the parents should be given an ultimate right of 'veto' (so to speak).