This information is provided by the candidate
If re-elected, I promise to build on the successes of the last four years.
- School District was taken off Contra Costa County Department of Education fiscal watch list.
- Reversed deficit spending building District emergency reserve above the State mandated 3% of gross operating budget. Adding ½ % per year, District is currently at 4%.
- Achieved positive certification and highest possible credit Bond rating.
- Led campaign as Board President to a 62% victory for the historic passing of a 61 million
dollar bond to renovate older facilities.
- Overall increase in API scores.
- Formed partnership with Princeton Review/College Board in joint effort to increase college enrollment.
- Kimball and Carmen Dragon Elementary Schools recognized in California Schools of Excellence Awards.
- Second consecutive year training at a Leadership Institute for principals to become instructional leaders.
- Restored music programs after cuts made in 2003 by previous School Board.
- Opened second K-8 Charter School, Continuation Schools, Medical Magnet High School and Performing Arts Academy.
- More rigorous graduation requirements instituted.
- Revamped reading literacy program with district +wide consistency and reform coaches.
- Revamped math literacy program to bring up mediocre scores which fall demonstrably at higher grade levels.
- Initiated kindergarten "jumpstart" program.
- Chief Academic Officer hired for systemic program improvement.
- District-wide principal meetings concentrated on academics and congruent learning.
- Math literacy overhaul with district-wide rigor and consistency.
- Chosen one of five School Boards nationwide to receive "Best Practices Training" by Eli Broad Foundation.
- Successful introduction of two-Principal model at Deer Valley High bringing total campus
- Introduced staff and student photo lanyards.
- Prescribed high school closed campus.
- Instituted uniforms in eleven schools.
- Reduced district-wide suspension and violence rate.
- Increased the number of truancy sweeps.
- Reinstated guidance counselors to high schools.
- Partnered with the District Attorney's Office who meets with chronic truant students and their parents to discuss consequences of continued misbehavior.
- Encouraged the creation of a youth intervention network for regional, inter-agency partnership.
- Partnered with Police Department and store owners to quiet Deer Valley Shopping Plaza.
- Introduced suspension contracts, behavioral expectations and re-admittance panels.
- Restructured the Child Welfare Office into a pro-active Student Services Department that will address behavioral problems in collaboration with cross-agency intervention measures.