The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Important Concerns,
Balance Needs
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What experience related to city government would you bring to the City Council?
Answer from Jason Baker:
Planning for Campbell's future is important and difficult work that I have the experience to undertake.
I got my start in Campbell public service by working on the Committee to Support Measures A&B, two bond measures to help support local libraries.
As a current member and former chair of the Campbell Civic Improvement Commission (which advises the Campbell City Council on senior, youth and library issues among others), I have had hands-on experience in Campbell government.
I have worked as a volunteer at Boogie on the Bayou, Oktoberfest and Campbell's Carol of Lights at the Campbell Rotary booth to help raise funds for a variety of Rotary programs that help local schools and other organizations.
As a Santa Clara Law graduate, I have the training to make informed and independent judgments about the effect new laws will have on our community. If elected, I will be the only lawyer on the Council.
As a former Firefighter for the National Forest Service, I know the value of hard work. I will apply that work ethic every day in my service to Campbell.
Answer from David James Barclay, III:
I have formal education in local government and urban planning. I have also been attending City Council and various committee meetings for many years, so I have a great understanding of our municipal government in Campbell.
Answer from Michael F. Kotowski:
Mike Kotowski has served as Mayor, Chair of the Planning Commission, City's Sign Advisor, Fund raiser for the Ainsley House, founding Board Member of the Campbell Historical Museum and 1979 Campbell Chamber President. Currently he is a founding Board Member of the Campbell Veterans' Memorial Foundation and sits on the City's Economic Forecasting Committee. In 1982 Campbell honored him as our "Citizen of The Year".
He served on the Green Belt Alliance to Save Our Hillsides from over development, was a founder of the Highway 85 Task Force that convinced the County voters to pass Measure "A" to build Highway 85 which later led the drive for Measure "B" bringing light rail to Campbell. He served as Chair of the Measure "B" Citizens Oversight Committee. He currently serves as Chair of Citizens Oversight Committee of the West Valley / Mission College District for Measure "H". He is the Vice-President of the West Valley / Mission Colleges Advancement (Scholarship) Foundation. The Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad and Carousel Corporation is proud to have had him as a Board member and Past President since 1974.
2. What concerns are of particular importance to the city and how would you address them?
Answer from David James Barclay, III:
I feel that one of the most important issues to everyone right now is our revolving 2 million dollar defecit. With Measure O on our November ballot, asking for a 1/4 cent sales tax increase, I feel that it is extremely important to create a sunset plan for this bill so we can create more suficient solutions without hurting the merchants and residents. Another issue that I hold close to my chest is one that many of our residents don't know about. That is Campbell has the highest recorded reports of domestic violence in all of Santa Clara County. I would like to create an outreach group for domestic violence victims, both current and past.
Answer from Jason Baker:
Keeping Campbell's small-town, community feel and preserving our history is very important.
Making sure we support our libraries and social services even in difficult financial times is also critical. Campbell is a community that cares for our seniors and youth, and I want to keep it that way.
The city is in a true fiscal crisis due to difficult economic times and the state taking money from our coffers. Because our council has been fiscally responsible, I support Measure O and I hope you will too.
Answer from Michael F. Kotowski:
I am on the ballot again after a sixteen year absence because times have changed dramatically! If you drive a car, are buying a house, paying your rent and trying to buy food at the market, you know everything is more expensive. The costs of running our City, although more complex, is no different than handling our own affairs be it family or business. Everything is much more expensive and the city is facing a deficit requiring use of the City's well-planned reserves to pay bills. I refer to the reserves as our "savings" but they won't last forever. That is why I support the one-quarter cent sale tax (Measure O) on the ballot. " I want to see Campbell keep all of our services and unique programs alive and well."
My sun logo introduces a prime reason that I am running for office again. By use of "solar" we can reduce the energy cost to power our City. We must reduce the "carbon footprint of Campbell. I want to re-establish the Youth Commission in the name of the late Rusty Hammer. Let us involve our teens and young adults in governance. They are our future! Also it is time to celebrate our many cultures in Campbell who make us who we are today bringing new ideas and possibilities.
3. How would you balance the needs of the City as a whole with groups' interests?
Answer from Michael F. Kotowski:
It is important that everyone and/or every "group" who have valid concerns or needs be heard by the City Council where it is appropriate. It is my job as City Council Member to assess which of those concerns or needs are in the best interest of the people of Campbell.
Answer from David James Barclay, III:
I feel that in a city such as Campbell, the city council must put personal ideas and beliefs aside and work with the community and merchants to make decisions. After all these two groups are the life-blood of our city.
Answer from Jason Baker:
Organized groups of residents can provide valuable insight and information to inform a decision, however it is important to remember that not everyone has the time or ability to write-in, or attend a council meeting, but that does not mean that their opinions and interests are not also important.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or
corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.