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No new taxes of any kind. The government must also bear some of the burden of our current economic situation. I know that the current times are hard on everyone's budget and this includes you and the government. I will not let any stone go unturned in trying to curb government waste. But I do commend the current city council for putting the tax hike proposal up to the voters who are effected by every dollar they spend.
Maintain the police and fire departments to effectively help our community. They are our first line of defense in times of need. We must be able to attract recruits and keep current staff at optimal capacities to keep and maintain our community's safety and reduce crime and drugs.
Serve as a resource for helping the homeless to improve their lives through various agencies and faithbased ministries already in place. Some homeless do not want help but the vast majority do. We can serve as a resource center for these people. Many organizations are out there to help but they are not known to the general public. The city can serve as the hub of information and in the process save money and make our community a safer and more family friendly environment.
Improve the image of El Cajon to the rest of San Diego. We can do this by publicizing our activities and resources to seniors, families and children. This will also bring more families into our neighborhoods.
Bring back common sense to government. The role of the government in a democratic society is to strive to benefit the majority. It appears to me that our lives are more directed now by the NOISY FEW rather than the majority. I will do my best to see to it that the hard working, law abiding majority's voice is once again heard and acted upon.