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- During these tough economic times, I would work closely with our Friends of the Library to help them grow memberships and to sponsor more fundraising events. All events should promote tangible goals for contributors: expansion of such programs as computer/Internet access, Adult Services, Teen Annex and Young Reader. Other revenue sources to be explored would include facility rentals for special events, multi-cultural features.
- My top priority is not only to support, but be a team member for the Library Director, Board members, volunteers, staff and Strategic Plans, and ensure that current cuts in programs and services are gradually restored, that our library hours are expanded. Any future surplus monies should go first to restoring programs and services and then to expanding programs that are in demand. Attention to infrastructure is also badly needed for parking at Miraleste and improvements to Malaga Cove. Our library system should never be solely dependent on state/federal funding, but should build productive partnerships and open feedback forums with community, city government, PVPUSD and Friends of the Library to find alternate revenue streams that are wisely spent and monitored to produce a proud sense of ownership for all Palos Verldes residents.
- Most important issues are promoting library public awareness and developing multi-cultural programs, interests and activities for our diverse children and adults.
- Central and important, I would serve the future needs of Palos Verdes through innovative planning, relentless fundraising and careful budgeting.
- I feel that I have a unique understanding of what it means to protect and serve and how this creed will go far in successfully serving the public on the Library Board of Trustees. I would protect our community and its quality of life by preserving our rich history through our libraries
Libraries say a lot about a community and how much value is placed on all its members from seniors to youngsters, from artists to do-it-yourselfers, from those seeking degrees to those just seeking solace. And libraries are a good start to say as much about our future as our history. I see a bright future for Palos Verdes through a realization of the special resources we have and our ability to expand our capabilities by being responsive to the needs of our community.