Mariposa High School has a treasure in Phil Whitson who started this very sucessful program. His graduates have their Firefighter I, EMT Certification & Wildland Fire Certification. These mean that the graduates can test & be hired as firefighters with Cal Fire, US Forest Service or any City or County Department.
The high school fire taining program must be established at Hercules High School. Chief Phil Whitson started this program at Mariposa High School in 2001. It has trained 100's of students in the basics of fire service and leads to fine upstanding citizens even if the graduates do not enter the fire or emergency service.
Phil Whitson has offered his expertise to assist Hercules in starting their own program. This program can out reach to every high school to give interested youth a wonderful opportunity to serve!
This should be implemented immediately with full support of the Rodeo Hercules Fire District, the City of Hercules and the West Contra Costa Unified School District.
The graduates will provide interested student for the Community College "Emergency Service Academy" as well as a pool of trained reserve firefighters.
Firefighter safety starts by hiring top qualified individuals who have the heart to do a very difficult job!