- Measure E
Education Parcel Tax
-- Burlingame School District
(Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
4,337 /
68.6% Yes votes ......
1,983 /
31.4% No votes
- To maintain quality education in Burlingame schools, restore and protect critical math, science, reading and writing classes, including: hands-on science labs, attract/retain qualified teachers, maintain smaller Elementary class size, support art/music, and provide instructional materials/classroom supplies, shall Burlingame Elementary School District levy an education parcel tax of $76 per parcel for four years, exempting senior citizens with no funds for administrators' salaries, independent citizen oversight, and all funds going to Burlingame District schools?
- Measure F
Appropriations Limit
-- Menlo Park Fire Protection District
(Majority Approval Required)
5,920 /
77.0% Yes votes ......
1,768 /
23.0% No votes
- Shall the appropriations limit applicable to the Menlo Park Fire Protection District, currently set at $40,000,000 pursuant to Measure G approved by the electors of the district on November 7, 2007, be continued at $40,000,000 for a period of four years from the date of the election?
- Measure G
General Plan and Municipal Code Amendment
-- City of San Mateo
(Majority Approval Required)
5,238 /
49.4% Yes votes ......
5,358 /
50.6% No votes
- To insure the provision of affordable rental housing in response to the Palmer v. City of Los Angeles court decision, shall City Council Ordinance 2011-7 be approved authorizing the City of San Mateo to amend its General Plan and Municipal Code to provide for alternative methods of providing adequate affordable rental housing, consisting of a housing impact fee and fee refund incentive program for rental projects agreeing to provide below market rate units?
- Measure H
Bond Measure
-- San Mateo County Community College District
(55% Approval Required)
48,933 /
53.1% Yes votes ......
43,238 /
46.9% No votes
- To prepare College of San Mateo, Canada College and Skyline College students for universities and high-demand jobs; modernize math and science classrooms and labs; upgrade classroom technology, computer and job training labs; increase earthquake, fire and accessibility safety; and replace aging systems with energy efficient models, shall San Mateo County Community College District issue $564,000,000 in bonds at interest rates within legal limits, with annual independent audits, local control over proceeds, and a Citizens' Committee providing oversight?
- Measure I
Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Redwood City
(Majority Approval Required)
6,061 /
73.6% Yes votes ......
2,177 /
26.4% No votes
- To preserve funding for general city services such as libraries, parks, street repairs, and public safety, and support other fundamental City services, shall an ordinance be adopted increasing the Transient Occupancy Tax ("Hotel Tax") charged to hotel guests in Redwood City from the current rate of 10% to a new rate of 12%, with proceeds placed in the City's General Fund which is subject to the City's annual independent financial audit?
- Measure J
Business License Tax
-- City of Brisbane
(Majority Approval Required)
680 /
77.4% Yes votes ......
199 /
22.6% No votes
- Shall the business license tax for certain recycling establishments that recycle 100,000 tons or more of material during any single calendar year be increased to up to $3,000,000 per year, subject to annual increase of either 3% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is greater, after the amount reaches $3,000,000 a year?
- Measure K
Charter Amendment
-- City of Redwood City
(Majority Approval Required)
4,876 /
61.3% Yes votes ......
3,082 /
38.7% No votes
- Shall the City Charter be amended so that the City of Redwood City may, like the majority of cities subject to the general laws of the state, buy, sell, lease, and dispose of its real and personal property for the common benefit with the approval of a majority of its City Council and enact additional rules by ordinance for this purpose?
- Measure L
Educational Parcel Tax
-- Pacifica School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
5,652 /
69.3% Yes votes ......
2,502 /
30.7% No votes
- To protect local elementary and middle schools from state budget cuts; maintain high quality education; protect academic programs in math, science, reading and writing; attract and retain qualified teachers; and support library services and classroom computer instruction; shall Pacifica School District replace its expiring parcel tax at $118 a year for 5 years, with independent citizens oversight, exemptions for senior citizens, no funds used for administrator salaries, and all funds staying local to promote student achievement?
- Measure M
Business License Tax
-- City of Redwood City
(Majority Approval Required)
4,554 /
55.6% Yes votes ......
3,640 /
44.4% No votes
- To preserve funding for general city services such as libraries, parks, and public safety, shall an ordinance be approved increasing, over three years, the business license tax rates by $21 plus $15 per employee (with a similar increase for businesses not taxed on a per employee basis) annually adjusted thereafter based on the Consumer Price Index, with proceeds placed in the City's General Fund, subject to the City's annual independent financial audit?
- Measure N
School Bond
-- Millbrae School District
(Bond Measure - 55% Approval Required)
2,550 /
58.5% Yes votes ......
1,811 /
41.5% No votes
- To continue to renovate and modernize its aging schools and classrooms, improve energy efficiency, update classroom equipment and technology, improve school safety and build a new cafeteria at Taylor Middle School, shall the Millbrae School District be authorized to issue $30,000,000 in bonds at interest rates within the legal limit with no funds for administrator salaries and an appointed Independent Oversight Committee to monitor all bond expenditures?
- Measure O
School Bond
-- San Bruno Park School District
(55% Approval Required)
2,368 /
50.8% Yes votes ......
2,293 /
49.2% No votes
- To update classrooms with up-to-date computers and technology, renovate and modernize classrooms and school facilities throughout the district; replace outdated heating systems; upgrade playfields and playground equipment; and make energy cost-saving improvements; shall San Bruno Park School District be authorized to issue $40 million of bonds within legal interest rates, with annual audits and an independent citizens' oversight committee, and all funds spent locally and no money used for administrative salaries or taken by the State?
- Measure P
Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Foster City
(Majority Approval Required)
4,184 /
83.9% Yes votes ......
804 /
16.1% No votes
- To provide funding for general city services, including police, fire, parks, recreation, and repairing and maintaining the levee, lagoon, streets, and other infrastructure, shall the City of Foster City approve an ordinance amending the Foster City Municipal Code to increase the transient occupancy tax rate from eight percent (8%) to nine and one-half (9.5%) percent on the rate charged to hotel guests staying within the City to be effective January 1, 2012?