The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How would you determine that the schools are using federal, state and local funds wisely and fairly and how would you report your findings to the community?
Answer from Sam Ho:
To determine that SJUSD schools are using federal, state and local funds wisely and fairly, I would make sure that funds are used to enhance the well-being and academic achievement of students, and the livelihood and professional development of teachers and staff. In order to make sure that funds are used efficiently and effectively to maximize the value of every tax dollar spent, I would establish accountability measures including internal controls, addressing each specific issue raised in annual audits, and thorough evaluations of all financial managers. I would make sure that the process for arriving at the use of funds includes key stakeholders including voters, community members, and parents. I would bring the report of the findings on the wise and fair use of local funds to the community through regular public meetings, through publication of the report on the district website, and through committee and trustee meetings open to the public.
Answer from Veronica Grijalva Lewis:
Local Control Funding Formula, (LCFF) is the new funding formula for public education. Our district has a Budget Advisory Committee and our Community Advisory Committee (CAC) , that will serve as part of the accountability for required and fair funding for students achievement. The school board also received budget updates, audits and we post the budget on our district website; I also served on the BAC, CAC And Audit Committees . I would like to increase how our community is involve and informed about the funding and how we are using it. My personal goal is to have community conversations in my Trustee Area.
Answer from Paymon Zarghami:
Indicators that public dollars are being spent wisely include student outcomes that are related to academic and personal success. These include rich extracurricular options, college and career technical school preparedness and eligibility, and advanced placement course participation and success. Parent and student survey results that can speak to the degree to which our students feel safe on our school campuses and parents feel informed about their students' progress, and metrics related to the quality of instructional practice in the classroom are other indicators.
I will hold regular town hall meetings to report our progress in these areas to the community and will seek feedback and counsel from parents and community members on how the district can make decisions that work toward schools that are safe, meet the academic needs of all students and provide a rich set of extracurricular opportunities so all students are receiving a well-rounded education.
2. Are the schools offering instruction appropriate to the diverse educational abilities of all the students?
Answer from Paymon Zarghami:
I believe all students who graduate from our school district must have the choice to purse any post high school option, including career technical programs, community college or university. In 2013, over half of the students who graduated from San Jose Unified were not eligible to apply to college. Our students and schools have so much potential and deserve better than this. Instruction in the classroom must be differentiated in ways that meet the unique learning abilities of all students and must provide our students with the skills to attain success in any post high school choice. Students learn differently and this diversity of learning should be honored in our lesson plans and the activities that students complete in the classroom. Students enter our schools at different levels, so we must also provide support so that our teachers are able to instruct in ways that move every student forward and meets the abilities of all learners. Schools that meet the diverse needs of students also provide a rich set of extracurricular activities, offer courses in science, math, humanities and the arts, and provide access to career technical programs, so students have the opportunity to access the post high school option of their choice. These choices include community college, career technical programs or university.
Answer from Sam Ho:
With five of the ten schools in Trustee Area 4 suffering from declining API (Academic Performance Index) scores, it is clear that pedagogy can be improved in the SJUSD. The skills needed for student success include not only the core competency and STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic), but also critical thinking and social skills. Instruction targeted to developing the whole child is immensely important to me so that children can not only navigate school, but also life, being all that they can be. With a highly diverse student body in the SJUSD, it is important to employ and adapt teaching strategies that connect with students from different backgrounds. As a college educator on topics of diversity, inclusion, and nondiscrimination for over the past 14 years, appropriate instructional and interpersonal techniques to meet the diverse educational abilities of all the students will be a priority for me. This can be partially accomplished through professional development and training opportunities for our teachers and staff. Otherwise, we cannot close the gaping achievement gap or prepare students adequately for college-level instruction - right now about two thirds of graduating seniors are underprepared for college courses.
Answer from Veronica Grijalva Lewis:
Yes, we are providing our students with numerous options for all students, such as: Two-Way Language Immersion, STEM and environmental science, visual & performing arts, and Advanced Placement Courses. We passed an "Equity Policy 0210" that ensures low income students receive resources and support to be successful in school. The AP classes , International Baccalaureate Program, and numerous other choices for students to be challenged. Implementing the A to G UC/CSU requirements has giving all students the opportunity to prepare for college and career success. OPPORTUNITY 21, our Strategic Plan is the tool we are using to accomplish student achievement for all students.
3. Where do you want the District to be five years from now? What steps should the District take to get there?
Answer from Veronica Grijalva Lewis:
Five tears from now I would like to see all of our schools have everything they need to providing a safe learning environment. I want all classroom to have what is needed to provide the educational experience our students deserve, and that students have equitable funding and equal opportunities for their school day; there is an ongoing change in technology, programs and how education is delivered. The steps that are needed are to renovate our schools with Bond Funding, seek out additional funding from the state & federal government, and also to reach out to business organizations. Continuous Quality Improvement is the goal we must keep , so that we can provide our students with a 21st Century Education.
Answer from Sam Ho:
I want SJUSD to be a leader in academic excellence five years from now, with all students achieving at a higher rate than they do now. While core competency and STEM skills, critical thinking, and social skills are vital to our student success, I want every child to have access to extracurricular activities so that they can fully develop as human beings. In order to get there, the District needs to focus laser-like attention on language and STEM competencies, extend the school day as much as possible for improved academic support and safety, enhance extracurricular offerings, and assure that staff and teachers receive the professional training to assure that every local school can attain the academic excellence that every child deserves.
Answer from Paymon Zarghami:
In 5 years, every student who graduates from our school district must have the academic skills to succeed in any post high school opportunity of their choice: career technical program, community college or university. Our district needs to 1) ensure instruction promotes a student's ability to analyze, apply, and explain rather than memorize and regurgitate. 2) Our district must also recruit great teachers to deliver instruction at high levels and provide tools and resources for our teachers to ensure instructional excellence is taking place in every classroom. And 3) the district must also offer a rich menu of extracurricular options on every campus that include music, band, drama, arts, and career technical program so that all students are receiving a well-rounded education.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. The answer to each question should be limited to 400 words. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.