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Smart Voter
Marin County, CA June 7, 2016 Election
Directory of Marin County, CA Measures
County Results as of Jul 20 12:19pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (176/176)
67.8% Countywide Voter Turnout (103,012/151,874)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure B. Updating/Maintaining College of Marin Campuses -- Marin Community College District (Bond - 55% Approval Required)
Pass: 50306 / 63.24% Yes votes ...... 29236 / 36.76% No votes
To update/maintain College of Marin campuses that prepare students for 4-year universities and careers, shall Marin Community College District modernize classrooms, science, computer/biotechnology labs; repair, modernize and provide job-training classrooms; ensure classrooms meet earthquake, fire and safety codes; provide access for disabled students; and repair, construct, acquire, and equip classrooms, labs, sites and facilities by issuing $265,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, which cannot be taken by the State, with citizens' oversight and all funds staying local?

Measure C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Appropriations Limit Adjustment -- City of Belvedere (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 530 / 77.83% Yes votes ...... 151 / 22.17% No votes
Shall the City of Belvedere be authorized to continue adjusting its appropriation limit for the annual fire protection and emergency medical services levy, pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, for the period of 7/1/2016 through 6/30/2020? The levy for FY 2015-2016 shall not exceed the rate authorized in Chapter 3.28 of the Belvedere Municipal Code. (The current levy is $702 per residential dwelling unit, $800 per occupancy in commercial structures, and $141 per vacant parcel.)

Measure D. Extend, Revise, and Increase the Special Library Services Parcel Tax -- City of San Rafael (Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 10678 / 68.73% Yes votes ...... 4859 / 31.27% No votes
To provide a critical, consistent, locally-controlled funding source, augmenting current general fund allocations for the San Rafael Public Library to maintain library hours, equipment, materials, and services for children, teens, and adults, shall the City of San Rafael be authorized to levy an annual $59 parcel tax (slightly higher for multiple-residential unit parcels) for a period of nine (9) years with annual CPI adjustment, oversight by an independent citizens committee and exemptions for senior citizens?

Measure AA. San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Program -- San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 1,256,356 / 70.4% Yes votes ...... 528,877 / 29.6% No votes
   276677 (75.20%) Yes / 91231 (24.80%) No in Alameda County
   169024 (65.70%) Yes / 88249 (34.30%) No in Contra Costa County
   59374 (72.82%) Yes / 22165 (27.18%) No in Marin County
   11,260 (57.19%) Yes / 8,428 (42.81%) No in Napa County
   186,674 (77.64%) Yes / 53,766 (22.36%) No in San Francisco County
   126,943 (72.0%) Yes / 49,422 (28.0%) No in San Mateo County
   279259 (70.08%) Yes / 119254 (29.92%) No in Santa Clara County
   51,482 (54.35%) Yes / 43,248 (45.65%) No in Solano County
   95,663 (64.3%) Yes / 53,114 (35.7%) No in Sonoma County
To protect San Francisco Bay for future generations by reducing trash, pollution and harmful toxins, improving water quality, restoring habitat for fish, birds and wildlife, protecting communities from floods, and increasing shoreline public access, shall the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority authorize a parcel tax of $12 per year, raising approximately $25 million annually for twenty years with independent citizen oversight, audits, and all funds staying local?

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Created: July 20, 2016 12:19 PDT
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