Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure B.
Even election year charter amendment
-- City of San Mateo
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
9,726 /
81.4% Yes votes ......
2,219 /
18.6% No votes
- To conform with state law, shall the Charter amendment changing the timing of the city's general municipal elections from odd-numbered years to even-numbered years, and extending the terms of the council members elected in 2015 and 2017 for a period of one year, respectively, be adopted?
- Measure C.
Community Preservation, Rent Stabilization, and Renters' Rights Act
-- City of Pacifica
(Majority Approval Required)
4,354 /
39.6% Yes votes ......
6,640 /
60.4% No votes
- Shall the Ordinance entitled Pacifica Community Preservation, Rent Stabilization, and Renters' Rights Act which protects certain tenants of multi-family housing from excessive rent increases and no-fault evictions and ensures that Landlords receive a fair and reasonable rate of return on their investment, be adopted?
- Measure D.
Business License Tax on Soil Recycling Establishments
-- City of Brisbane
(Majority Approval Required)
831 /
75.1% Yes votes ......
275 /
24.9% No votes
- To pay for general municipal expenses, shall the City impose an annual business license fee on a soil recycling establishment of up to twenty (20%) of its gross receipts or up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) whichever is greater?
- Measure E.
Business License Tax for Recycling Establishments
-- City of Brisbane
(Majority Approval Required)
877 /
79.6% Yes votes ......
225 /
20.4% No votes
- To pay for general municipal expenses, shall the City increase the annual business license tax for certain recycling establishments up to $4,000,000 (plus adjustments) per year?
- Measure F.
Renew Parcel Tax to fund police and emergency services
-- Town of Atherton
(2/3 Approval Required)
981 /
52.6% Yes votes ......
884 /
47.4% No votes
- To continue providing funding to maintain neighborhood police patrols and the Town's ability to respond to emergencies, repairing and maintaining streets, and repairing and constructing storm drains, shall an ordinance be adopted to continue a Special Parcel Tax for four years and allowing for the expenditure of funds derived from such tax?
- Measure G.
Establishing a Tax on Marijuana Operations
-- City of Pacifica
(Majority Approval Required)
8,588 /
78.8% Yes votes ......
2,316 /
21.2% No votes
- Shall an ordinance establishing a Marijuana Operations Tax at the rate of 6% of a Marijuana Operation's gross receipts, which may be decreased or increased after two years to a maximum of 10% by the City Council, to help fund municipal services, including police and fire protection services, emergency medical services, park, recreation, and street maintenance services, with no sunset date and estimated to generate $360,000 annually in tax revenue be adopted?
- Measure H.
Charter Language Clean-up
-- City of San Mateo
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
9,774 /
81.9% Yes votes ......
2,167 /
18.1% No votes
- Shall the charter amendment revising the City of San Mateo's charter to: allow for regular council meetings to be held at locations other than City Hall, when necessary; updating the title of Personnel Director to Human Resources Director; and revising the Fiscal Administration provisions to conform with state law and current practices be adopted?
- Measure I.
Enact a one-quarter cent rate transactions and use tax
-- City of Burlingame
(Majority Approval Required)
3,396 /
63.2% Yes votes ......
1,977 /
36.8% No votes
- To maintain/improve Burlingame's quality of life, including essential City facilities and services such as maintaining city streets, sidewalks and potholes; enhancing neighborhood police patrols/crime prevention programs; maintaining recreation programs and safe facilities for youth/teens; and other essential city services, shall the City of Burlingame enact an ongoing, 1/4 cent sales tax with authority to incur debt to accelerate infrastructure projects, providing $2,000,000 annually, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, and all funds spent locally?
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