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Santa Barbara County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Santa Barbara County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 17 10:02pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (297/297)
56.71% Countywide Voter Turnout (134,826/237,759)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure A2022. General Obligation Bond -- Lompoc Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 7,600 / 54.31% Yes votes ...... 6,395 / 45.69% No votes
To construct and modernize classrooms and vocational and career training facilities, upgrade science labs, replace portable classrooms, make safety and security improvements at all sites, improve student support facilities and provide the local match for State grants, shall the Lompoc Unified School District measure issue $125,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, raising on average approximately $6,400,000 annually, with levies projected at 6 cents/$100 of assessed valuation, an oversight committee, audits, and no money for administrator salaries, be adopted?

Measure B2022. General Transaction and Use Tax -- City of Goleta (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 7,792 / 64.32% Yes votes ...... 4,323 / 35.68% No votes
To support Goleta's 9-1-1 response/crime prevention; cleanup trash in creeks to maintain coastal waters; address homelessness, fire risks from illegal encampments; maintain public safety, clean/maintain public areas; repair streets/potholes; increase recycled water use for parks; retain local businesses/jobs; maintain open spaces/natural areas and for general government use; shall a measure be adopted establishing a 1¢ sales tax providing approximately $10,600,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring public spending disclosure?

Measure C2022. Ordinance Banning the Use of Flavored Tobacco Sales Within the City -- City of Goleta (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 9,190 / 75.85% Yes votes ...... 2,926 / 24.15% No votes
Shall Ordinance No. 21-09, An Ordinance of the City of Goleta, California, banning the sale of flavored tobacco products within the City's limits, be adopted?

Measure R2022. General Obligation Bond -- Buellton Union Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 1,619 / 61.28% Yes votes ...... 1,023 / 38.72% No votes
To improve the quality of education; upgrade, modernize, and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair or replace leaky roofs; and upgrade inadequate HVAC systems; shall Buellton Union School District issue $8,800,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $731,600 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 2.6 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and no money taken by the State?

Measure S2022. Parcel Tax -- Hope Elementary School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 5,115 / 76.10% Yes votes ...... 1,606 / 23.90% No votes
Question required.

Measure T2022. General Plan and Zoning Designation -- City of Carpinteria (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 2,453 / 49.21% Yes votes ...... 2,532 / 50.79% No votes
Shall the Measure to Change and/or Readopt the City of Carpenteria's General Plan Designation and Zoning Designation for Two Parcels of City-Owned Property (APN 004-105-011 and APN 004-105-026) Located Adjacent to the Railroad Tracks to the West of Linden Avenue and to Amend the Definition of the Open Space/Recreation (OSR) Land Use Category of the General Plan Land Use Element be adopted?

Measure U2022. Transactions and Use Tax -- City of Solvang (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 1,609 / 63.27% Yes votes ...... 934 / 36.73% No votes
To protect and maintain funding for City of Solvang services, such as: pothole and street repair, flammable brush removal, 911 emergency response, neighborhood police patrols, recreation programs and general government use shall the City of Solvang adopt a measure establishing a local 1¢ sales tax, until ended by voters, providing $1.6 million dollars annually that cannot be taken by the State, with independent citizen oversight, and no money for administrative overhead?

Measure V2022. General Obligation Bond -- Guadalupe Union Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 854 / 70.06% Yes votes ...... 365 / 29.94% No votes
To improve the quality of education; construct a new junior high school with a community gymnasium; build classrooms and science labs; make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements, shall Guadalupe Elementary School District's measure be adopted to issue $8,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $439,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 3¢ per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all funds spent locally?

Measure W2022. General Obligation Bond -- Guadalupe Union Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 830 / 68.26% Yes votes ...... 386 / 31.74% No votes
To improve the quality of education; construct, upgrade, and modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair/replace roofs; make health/safety improvements; renovate/replace plumbing and HVAC systems, shall Guadalupe Elementary School District's measure be adopted to issue $8,490,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $438,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 2.95¢ per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all funds spent locally?

Measure X2022. Transient Occupancy Tax -- City of Lompoc (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 5,547 / 61.78% Yes votes ...... 3,431 / 38.22% No votes
Shall the measure, imposing a 1% special transient occupancy tax paid by hotel guests, with 65% of revenues to be used for Lompoc police purposes and 35% of revenues to be used for Lompoc fire protection purposes, and permitting hotel operators to retain 2% of all collected transient occupancy taxes to cover collection costs, which will raise approximately $180,000 annually in transient occupancy tax revenues, until ended by voters, be adopted?

Measure Y2022. General Obligation Bond -- College Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 1,439 / 52.21% Yes votes ...... 1,317 / 47.79% No votes
To repair aging classrooms/school facilities to meet health and safety codes; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical; remove asbestos/lead pipes; and upgrade, construct and equip classrooms, labs, facilities to support student achievement in science, math, technology, engineering, and arts; shall the College School District measure authorizing $23,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3 cents per $100 assessed value ($1 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

Measure Z2022. Transient Occupancy Tax -- City of Guadalupe (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 581 / 48.02% Yes votes ...... 629 / 51.98% No votes
Shall the measure be adopted to increase the City of Guadalupe's Transient Occupancy Tax from 6% to 10% until repealed by city voters, and to add short-term rentals of any type, RV Parks, and campgrounds as lodgings subject to the tax, which is anticipated to raise $20,000 annually, and more if additional lodging facilities commence operations in the City?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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