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San Mateo County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of San Mateo County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 17 10:02pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (332/332)
58.3% Countywide Voter Turnout (252,233/432,734)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure K. Transient Occupancy Tax Measure -- City of Belmont (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 8,348 / 79.31% Yes votes ...... 2,178 / 20.69% No votes
Shall a City of Belmont ordinance providing funding, that cannot be taken by the State, for general city services including: Fixing potholes, repairing streets and sidewalks; Maintaining 9-1-1 emergency response times; Keeping infrastructure projects/upgrades on-time/on-budget; Maintaining senior services, and Keeping public areas healthy, safe and clean; by raising the transient occupancy ("hotel") tax to 14%, paid only by guests, until ended by voters, providing an additional $600,000 annually, with independent audits, be adopted?

Measure L. Residential Rental Property Business Tax Measure -- City of East Palo Alto (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 2,689 / 69.92% Yes votes ...... 1,157 / 30.08% No votes
To fund general government uses, such as programs for affordable housing, providing tenant rental support, and protecting local residents from displacement and homelessness, shall the current City of East Palo Alto business tax of 1.5% of gross receipts on landlords with five or more residential rental units, which cannot be passed to tenants, be set at 2.5% of gross receipts for all residential rental units, until terminated by voters or reduced by Council, raising approximately $1,480,000 annually, be adopted?

Measure M. Parcel Tax Measure -- Bayshore Elementary School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 770 / 69.56% Yes votes ...... 337 / 30.44% No votes
To preserve quality education that cannot be taken by the State; maintain competitive science, math, reading and writing; attract and retain quality teachers; and integrate modern technology for future student success; shall Bayshore Elementary School District's measure renewing the parcel tax of $96 per parcel for eight years with annual adjustments described in the voter guide, raising approximately $160,000 per year, with senior and disability exemptions and no money for administrator salaries, be adopted?

Measure N. Transient Occupancy Tax Measure -- City of Millbrae (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 5,984 / 78.85% Yes votes ...... 1,605 / 21.15% No votes
To continue funding, for the City of Millbrae only, that cannot be taken by Sacramento, for general city services such as: repairing potholes/streets; maintaining neighborhood/downtown police patrols; improving recreation programs/parks; attracting new businesses; and enhancing disaster response; shall a measure increasing by 2% of the City of Millbrae's existing transient occupancy tax charged to hotel and lodging guests until ended by voters, providing an additional $1,500,000 annually, with citizens' oversight, independent audits, be adopted?

Measure O. Hotel Business License Tax Measure -- City of Brisbane (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 1,222 / 69.24% Yes votes ...... 543 / 30.76% No votes
To pay for general municipal expenses, shall an ordinance be adopted imposing on hotels and other places designed for overnight stays by guests a business license tax of $2.50 per room for each day such room is rented, generating approximately $250,000 annually until ended by the voters?

Measure Q. Fireworks Advisory Measure -- City of Pacifica (Advisory Vote Only)
Fail: 6,745 / 42.80% Yes votes ...... 9,014 / 57.20% No votes
Shall the City of Pacifica amend its municipal code to prohibit the ignition, use, discharge, or sale of all State-approved "Safe and Sane" fireworks in the City of Pacifica?

Measure R. Bond Measure -- La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 836 / 62.95% Yes votes ...... 492 / 37.05% No votes
To improve educational facilities supporting an expanded course of study; repair deteriorating infrastructure and modernize school facilities at district schools, shall the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District issue $15,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, levying approximately $.06 per $100 of assessed valuation (raising $1,000,000 annually), with a robust community engagement process, board appointed citizens' oversight, and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

Measure S. Bond Measure -- Redwood City School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 17,887 / 60.42% Yes votes ...... 11,715 / 39.58% No votes
To improve local elementary and middle schools by repairing and upgrading science, technology, engineering, arts and math classrooms/labs; making safety/security improvements; upgrading in adequate heating, cooling, electrical systems; constructing and acquiring sites/facilities, shall Redwood City Elementary School district measure authorizing $298 million in bonds At legal rates be adopted, levying $24 per $100,000 of assessed value ($16 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizen oversight, no money for administrators, and all funds staying local?

Measure T. Bond Measure -- South San Francisco Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 13,625 / 63.59% Yes votes ...... 7,801 / 36.41% No votes
To modernize classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities; make health, safety and security improvements, Equip schools with 21st century learning technology, and construct a local affordable rental housing for teachers and staff, shall South San Francisco Unified School District measure authorizing $436.0 million In bonds, at legal rates, be adopted levying and estimated 6 cents per $100 of assessed value generating an average $27 million annually while bonds are outstanding, with a citizens' oversight committee and independent audits on all bond money?

Measure U. Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax Measure -- City of Brisbane (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 1,080 / 63.94% Yes votes ...... 609 / 36.06% No votes
Shall the City of Brisbane's measure to fund city services/facilities, such as neighborhood police patrols, fire prevention services, urban wildfire protection, crime suppression/investigation, pothole/street repair, parks and other city facilities, and to support other city services, by levying a 1/2¢ sales tax, generating approximately $2,000,000 annually until ended by voters, be adopted?

Measure V. Citizen-Sponsored Initiative Measure -- City of Menlo Park (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 4,852 / 38.18% Yes votes ...... 7,857 / 61.82% No votes
Shall the measure, which prohibits the City Council of the City of Menlo Park from re-zoning or re-designating certain properties that were zoned and designated for single family detached homes as of April 15, 2022, be adopted?

Measure W. Bond Measure -- Sequoia Union High School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 53,293 / 62.98% Yes votes ...... 31,332 / 37.02% No votes
To repair and upgrade aging local high schools by fixing deteriorating plumbing, heating, ventilation, and electrical systems and modernizing/expanding science, technology, math, skilled trades, art and engineering classrooms, labs and facilities that support student achievement in college/career readiness, shall Sequoia Union High School District's measure be adopted to authorize $591,500,000 In bonds at legal rates, levying $14 per $100,000 of assessed value ($30.4 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight and all money locally-controlled?

Measure X. Business Licensing Measure -- City of Burlingame (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 8,464 / 75.04% Yes votes ...... 2,815 / 24.96% No votes
To support city services such as fixing streets/sidewalks; enhancing police patrols/crime prevention; undergrounding power lines; and for general government use, shall an ordinance be adopted updating Burlingame's business licensing, last increased in 1993, with rates ranging from $200 to $750, with the highest rate on larger businesses, and 5% of gross receipts for non-storefront marijuana businesses, providing approximately $2,500,000 annually, until ended by voters, requiring audits and all funds staying in Burlingame?

Measure Y. Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax Measure -- City of Pacifica (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 9,574 / 59.36% Yes votes ...... 6,554 / 40.64% No votes
Shall the measure establishing a 1/2¢ sales tax for general government use to maintain the City of Pacifica's vital services, such as police, fire, medical 9-1-1 emergency response; keeping pollution/trash off beaches; attracting/retaining jobs/businesses; street paving ;storm drain maintenance to prevent flooding; preventing coastal erosion, and generating approximately $2,600,00 annually for 9 years, with regular financial audits, independent citizens' oversight, and requiring funds be used locally, be adopted?

Measure AA. Affordable Housing Authorization Measure -- City of South San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 10,234 / 58.85% Yes votes ...... 7,157 / 41.15% No votes
Without increasing local taxes, shall the City of South San Francisco be authorized to develop, construct, and/or acquire affordable, decent, and safe rental housing for low-income persons, including families, seniors, people with the disabilities, and veterans, in an amount up to 1% of the total number of existing housing units in the City of South San Francisco annually for an eight (8) year period, with any year's unused units being carried over each year?

Measure BB. Mayor and City Council Term Limit Measure -- City of San Bruno (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 10,288 / 84.43% Yes votes ...... 1,897 / 15.57% No votes
Shall an ordinance be adopted to amend the City of San Bruno Municipal Code to limit service on the City Council to consecutive terms of no more than 12 consecutive years or as Mayor to consecutive terms of no more than 12 consecutive years?

Measure CC. Transfer Tax on Property Sales of $10 Million or More -- City of San Mateo (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 23,448 / 71.77% Yes votes ...... 9,221 / 28.23% No votes
To fund essential local general services in the City of San Mateo, such as street repairs, parks, recreation, fire protection, emergency response, and crime prevention; and improving intersections, sidewalks, and bike lanes for safety and reduced traffic congestion; shall the measure, increasing the City of San Mateo's existing transfer tax on property sales of $10 million or more, from 0.5% to 1.5%, generating approximately $4.8 million annually, until ended by voters, with independent audits and all money locally controlled, be adopted?

Measure DD. Citizen-Sponsored Parcel Tax Initiative Measure -- City of South San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 8,245 / 47.24% Yes votes ...... 9,207 / 52.76% No votes
Shall the measure imposing an annual tax on parcels of land in South San Francisco that are developed and used as commercial office parcels, as defined in the measure, and 25,000 square feet or larger, at a rate of $2.50 per square foot of parcel size, generating approximately $55,900,000 annually, not expiring automatically, to fund early learning and care for children (primarily aged 2.5 to 5) of families living or working in the South San Francisco Unified School District boundaries be adopted?

Measure P. Mayoral Term Charter Amendment Measure -- City of Redwood City (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 8,603 / 36.44% Yes votes ...... 15,006 / 63.56% No votes
Shall the measure amending the Redwood City Charter to shorten the term of Mayor from two years to one year in order to allow more Councilmembers to serve as Mayor during their tenure on City Council, be adopted?

Measure Z. Election Procedures Charter Amendment Measure -- City of Redwood City (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 20,010 / 86.62% Yes votes ...... 3,092 / 13.38% No votes
Shall the measure amending the Redwood City Charter to align the date of the Redwood City General Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election date, clarify the date by which Redwood City elections must be certified and City Councilmembers sworn in, provide for election of the City Councilmembers by-district in order to comply with State law, be adopted?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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