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San Mateo County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for Douglas "Doug" Mackintosh

Candidate for
Board Member; Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District

This information is provided by the candidate

Father of 6 (4 who currently reside on the Coastside)

Part owner of Strawflower Electronics

Resident of the Mid-Coast for 27 years

Former director of HMB Fire Protection district for 16 years serving as:

  • President (approx 4 years)
  • Member of the finance committee (16 years)
  • Member of the labor negotiating team
  • President and representative of the JPA that oversees the fire paramedic contract (3 years)
  • Member of the team that negotiated the contract to put fire paramedics on all the county's fire engines
  • Representative to and one of the founders of the San Mateo County Special District Association

High school principal in Jamaica (4 years)

Math and science teacher

Ambulance attendant (before the days of paramedics)

Emergency room tech

MA Secondary Schools Administration

BS Chemistry

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: November 5, 2007 18:32
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